Sometimes they are really important, big decisions, that could alter the course of our futures. Like what school to go to, or who to marry, or what job to accept.
But most of our decisions are not life altering. They are just normal, every day stuff. For example, this morning choosing what to wear. Frustrating for this unpredictable weather, but in the grand scheme of things, a pretty insignificant choice.
For some people that I love so very much, more than words could ever describe, they are faced with a different set of choices every day.
Choices that are literally life and death.
But they are just kids.
About a week ago, I called one of the boys at home and he was in the slums, volunteering at the programs for boys still on the streets. I love their hearts to help. Makes me so proud, but that is a story for another day. In the background, I heard a boy that made the choice to leave the home many months ago, shouting for me. My heart aches for this boy. His heart aches because of his past and choices he was forced to make.
I love this kid so much, and him me. But it wasn't enough to keep his past at bay, and keep him at home. He makes me laugh with his craziness, makes me joyful with his rare serious moments where he bares his heart, and hopeful for who he could be.
But on this day, our conversation broke my heart. He struggles with making good choices and it is frequently a topic of discussion between us. I want nothing more than for this boy to come home, but no matter how much I want, he has to want to be home too. So I just use our time together to love him and counsel him in trying to make a better life for himself. Naturally, I started asking about his choices. And I asked if he was making good ones.
"No." Came his answer bluntly. When I asked him why, he simply said, "If I make good choices, I won't eat."
He is 16 years old.
He has a good heart.
He has a conscience.
He is kind.
He is loving.
He has dreams.
He has hopes.
Can you imagine the weight of the guilt on his shoulders? Can you see how he can be addicted to drugs? Can you see why his life keeps spinning out of control and he doesn't know how to stop it? Can you see what this life is doing to him? Can you see why he needs you? Can you see why we need you?
He has agreed to go back to boarding school next term, but we need help sending him. Will you consider sponsoring him? Will you help him get out of a space where he has to decide between good choices and eating. Sign up on the website. It is easy. Only $50. It will change his life.