I am so proud of who these boys are turning into.
So. So. So. Proud!
It continues to amaze me every day.
I have been really down in the dumps lately. It has been officially one year since I left Uganda. I never thought I would be gone this long. I thought it would only take me a few months and I would be back home. Well..a year later, I am still in limbo. And it sucks. And its difficult. Did I mention it sucks?
Anyway, last week I got word that something I thought was going to happen, didn't. It kind of sent me spiraling and I was ready to move to Abu Dhabi. Seriously.
And because God is good, I recovered. I read the right words. People said the right things. And my spirit was renewed.
Truth is, I cannot imagine my life anymore without these boys in it. It is no longer acceptable to me to never return to Uganda. So we keep fighting. We keep plugging away and eventually, I will get back.
I know it.
The thing that left me most encouraged was my talk with David on Sunday. Before you continue, you should read his coming home story
I know without a doubt, David is supposed to be in the home. But I never would have chosen him. He was a mess. But now...
David is in primary 7. We let him go to the boarding section and got him extra tutoring. We want him to be successful. We want him to finish secondary school. But in order to do so, he has to pass the exam at the end of primary 7 just to join secondary. One of David's concerns about going to boarding was he would never get to talk to me anymore. So I told him that when the uncle went, he could call me or he could write me letters and I would write back.
We talked on Sunday. About normal stuff: his classes, teachers, tutoring, the weather. And then he asked about a friend that used to be in Uganda. It was so random and unexpected. He had never asked about her before and I didn't even know that he knew her. Then he asked me about a day where things got a little out of control with an older boy. I said I remembered it very well. I don't actually remember him being there but I remembered the day. He asked me if I would beg my friend to forgive him. (Keep in mind, this happened about 2 years ago!) He told me how bad he felt for that day and how he was mean to her. He promised me that he was changed now but he needed her to forgive him. He told me he didn't want to be that boy anymore and how he couldn't believe what bad behavior he had then.
I don't know what made him remember. What made him feel like he had to beg for forgiveness. The day was long forgotten in our minds. I hadn't thought about it since. But it was still on his mind.
He continued on to tell me that he never gets in trouble at school and how thankful he is for his opportunity. He told me when he got off the phone with me, he was going to appreciate the uncle too because we have done such great things for him. I tell you, I never thought he would be this boy. I would have never chosen him because even though I didn't remember that day, I remembered others. But God is good and He knew what David was capable of being.
Now I do too.
We ended the conversation with David telling me that he loved me. I, of course, told him I loved him so much too. He responded by telling me he was sure he loved me more and when I told him that wasn't possible, I loved him more, he laughed and said, "ok, you can love me more."
My heart melted.
I don't know the plan. But David was the confirmation that I needed. I am where I am supposed to be and one day, I will be back home.
David still needs sponsors. If you want to help us change his life, let him know someone else loves him more, email me at lot2545@gmail.com. He is an amazing boy. He will change your life, just like he changed mine.
on the left-playing checkers with Uncle Steven before he left for school |