Always where I fail, God steps in.
And we are so lucky that He does.
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Kansiime |
When one of the boys(Kansiime) joined the home, I begged him
to go to school. I knew how smart he was
and that he would do really well in school.
The problem was he was 18 years old, had never studied before and is one
of the tallest Ugandans that I have ever seen.
He had to start at third grade and he was taller than absolutely
everyone in school, including his teacher.
He felt so bad about it, that he begged me not to make him go. We tried encouraging him, bribing him,
everything we could think of but nothing changed his mind. These boys face such difficulties at school
and everyone makes fun of them, including their teachers. He couldn't handle it. So he begged to go to vocational training.
Another boy(Davis) had studied recently but didn't like
it. He still couldn't read even though
he had been at school for 2 years before he joined us. He begged not to go back to school because he
claimed he wasn't good at it and would waste everyone’s time. School here can be pretty awful. It is all memorization and no critical
thinking. If you can’t read or speak
English well, you will just get pushed along.
There are usually 50-100 other students in class with you and the ONE
teacher doesn't have time to care if you can read or not. He is also 18 years old and asked to go to
vocational training. No amount of
begging could change his mind otherwise.
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Davis |
Maybe it was God’s plan all along for the money for
vocational training to never come in and all of our plans to fail. Who knows?
But the boys have been waiting patiently since the beginning of this
year. The apprenticeships are so
expensive and it just hasn't happened. We
are all frustrated by it but no one more so than the boys. They were eager to get started and start life
on their own. They are ambitious and
want to work, so they have been passing time by finding odd jobs around our
Then God showed up.
The beginning of last week, I was teaching Kansiime at
home. In a matter of 10 minutes, he
learned how to tell time perfectly. The next
day after seeing 2 problems he learned how to add when you have to carry. I told him how smart he was and begged him to
go to school again. He agreed if he
could join 7th grade. There is
a lot of work to be done to get him ready for primary grade 7, but at least we
have hope now. I never thought he would
agree, but I know God changed his heart.
The same day that Kansiime agreed to go back to school,
Davis went with the uncle to get firewood for cooking. They found an older man there that started
counseling them on going to school and wasting their chance. He told them that he didn't have the chance
to study when he was younger, so he is going back to school now even though he
is so old. He talked and talked to them
and Davis just sat there quietly listening.
On the way home, he told the uncle he heard the advice the man gave him
and realized he had been making a mistake and wasting time and he should also
be in school. He told me the same as
soon as he got home. It is a rare day
when Davis is home during the afternoon.
He helps at a shop at the end of our street almost every day. God definitely stepped in to make Davis home
and make him go with the uncle that day.
What are the chances that in the same day, both boys
realized that they should be in school?
Also what are the chances that just two days prior, we learned of an
accelerated school for adults where students can move through each grade in only
a few months?
I know it was God’s plan all along for these boys to be in
school but they just weren't ready for it before but they are now and
everything is coming together for them to go.
We are working at home with them to better their English and reading
skills and plan for them to start school in January.
Would you like to help them go back to school? $50 a month will pay for their school fees
each month, transportation to school and all requirements. Visit here for more information on
sponsorship or to sign up. Feel free to
email any questions to lot2545 at gmail dot com.
Thank you in advance for your help!