Continuing with the themes from the book, “Nothing but a
Thief”, the author at one point says she asked one of the boys the question,
“What do you wake up for?”. It made me
stop and think. The boy’s answer was difficult
to read. He told her that he tried to
stay asleep for as long as he possibly could into the day, but eventually his
hunger got the best of him and forced him to wake up and go and steal to get
something to eat. It made me think about
a life where I had nothing to wake up for.
I can’t imagine such a life, but for these boys it is reality. It is their every day when they are on the
street. Their hunger is what drives them
to move out of the spaces they sleep, forces them to steal, even to take
drugs. In Peru, like many other
countries, street kids take glue. They
inhale it or smoke it. In Uganda, I have
never seen a boy sniffing glue because here they sniff kyenge (expired aviation
fuel). Just like glue, it dulls their
hunger, keeps them warm at night, eases their fears and takes away their
emotions. I don’t know much about
addiction, but at least with the boys I know, I don’t think their addictions
are physiological. I think they are
psychological. A boy can come into a
home and quit taking kyenge cold turkey.
He can be fine and not ever want to take it again until something brings
up the past or something bad happens to him.
When things get too much for them that is when they go back to their kyenge,
to make them not feel anything again.
After I thought about the boys and the ones still on the
street, I had to find my answer. What do
I wake up for? I think the obvious answer
is the boys. And it is true. I do wake up every morning because of them. They make my days worth it. They make my days better. They make my life better. They make me laugh with their ridiculous
notions and jokes. They make me cry
tears of happiness and joy, as well as sorrow and heartbreak. They challenge me to be a better person: more
loving and giving, more forgiving and considerate. They teach me how I deserve to be treated and
how worthy I am of love. They protect
me, care for me, help me, love me.
I stop to think about them and their brokenness and how I hope
to love them enough each day that they hurt a little less, but when I really
think about it, they have done the same for me.
I see Jesus in them every day. I
wonder how I survived 30 years of my life without them in it. When I stopped to think about my answer, I also realized how
lucky I am to have a reason to wake up each morning. I realized that many people in the world are
not as fortunate. I wake up each day
with joy to spend another day doing what I love with people that I love. Not everyone is so lucky. I think about life before Uganda. I didn’t have a bad life. I had friends, a job, everything was
fine. However, every morning I dreaded waking
up and going to my job (probably why I was late every morning). Even though I
had everything I needed, I didn’t have a reason to wake up. It makes me sad for all of the time wasted
but I know had I came to Uganda 5 years ago, or even 10, I wouldn’t have been
ready and these kids wouldn’t be the ones in my life. The other night at devotions, our new uncle
JP, asked the boys if they thought they were in the home by mistake. While some of them didn’t get the question,
most of them did. They saw God’s hand
working in our life and bringing us all together. It is still incredible to me that God would
know what would make my heart come alive and give my life meaning long before I
did. It is amazing to me that God knew
these boys that would be in my life, long before I even knew Uganda existed.
For some of the boys, they are still working to find their
reasons. They had no reason for so long
and have forgotten what it is to dream and have hope. One boy in particular, is so fatalistic, he
refuses to make any decisions about his life or have any dreams. I don’t think he even knows what it is to
dream. When we ask him what he wants to
do or be, he answers “I don’t know. God
knows. Whatever He has planned is
fine.” He still doesn't get that he has
all the opportunity in the world now. If
he wants to be a doctor, it could happen.
If he wanted to be a pilot, it could happen. But instead, he sits and waits for life to
happen to him.
It is one of the most frustrating things because how do you
teach someone to dream when they gave up their dreams long ago? How do you teach someone to hope, when the
streets robbed them of their hope years ago?
How can you teach someone that God has good plans for them, when they
cried out to God every night for years, and finally gave up because they were
convinced He wasn't listening? How do
you teach someone to take an active role in making life happen, when they had
life happen to them in horrible ways at a young age?
I don’t know the answers to any of those questions. I don’t know if I will ever have the answers
but what I do know is God gave me reasons to wake up every morning. He placed them in my life for a reason and
has called me to love them. I know I
won’t change them or give them hope, but I can love them. So each day, I will love them and continue to
pray He will take care of the rest. I
also pray that I will never wake up forgetting how lucky I am to finally have a
reason to wake up.