Monday, January 31, 2011

time is money...

Considering the day I have had, it's kind of ironic that yesterday at church the preacher was talking about time.  Actually, he was talking about 3 things that we should be very careful where we place them and will have to account to God for how they were spent.  The first one he mentioned was time, then our money, and our heart.

He mentioned the old cliche, time is money but said no, actually it is more precious than money.  After today, I would have to say I agree....

Time is pretty much irrelevant here and no one is in a hurry for anything.  You get places when you get there, you meet whenever you can, time really has no impact on anything, merely a suggestion and there really are no appointments.  Actually, you can be considered quite rude if you put time before people.  For me, this works out wonderfully because I am perpetually late.  I am pretty sure I will even be late to my own funeral.  I don't know how it happens, but I just cannot be on time for anything, no matter how hard I try.

With that being said, I really hate my time being wasted.  Considering that I make people wait for me constantly, I HATE waiting on others. I know, I know...

So after a day spent waiting, time was on my mind, and all of the things I needed to do today but couldn't because I was waiting. And still am...  I wondered if other people feel as aggravated with me as I felt today.  Hope not because I am sorry to say, Africa is only perpetuating my tardiness and I have no plans to be on time any time soon...  ;-)

Pictures of the last week

Monday, January 17, 2011

what is...

This past week, I met an American guy that is living here also.  He is a high school kid, so of course his perspective is a bit different, but he got me thinking...He has been living here about a year, I think he said, his parents are missionaries and help run an orphanage.  Already, his situation is different because it wasn't his choice to come here, like it was mine.  He was telling me that everyone says the 3 month mark of being here(or anywhere away from home) is the hardest and he pretty much has hated it here ever since.  He told me he missed his friends and family back home and I guess just the US in general.  So I started wondering how you could hate this place and started to wonder if the same thing will happen to me...

These past few days have been a little unpleasant with me losing my wallet with everything in it, being sick, getting a black eye, etc. and I must say your first reaction is to blame it on being in Africa, but the truth is those things could have happened regardless of where I was.  I was careless, it was a cold, and the black eye the result of poor judgment in boda drivers (the pink hat should have been an indication :-) ).  If I choose to blame every unfortunate thing that ever happened on being in Africa, yes I think I definitely would hate it. 

I think that places are what you make of them and if you choose to focus on the negative, of course you will hate it.  For me, yes I miss home but I choose to focus on my new home. I am surrounded by wonderful children that are so full of hope, joy, and love that I have all but forgotten about my old home.  I cannot explain the joy that comes from walking into one of the darkest places on Earth and it being lit up by the smile of a child when they see you or hearing a boy scream Auntie Amanda and come running full speed towards you to give you the biggest hug.  Of course, I miss my old friends but I choose to focus on the new friends that I have made that are passionate about the same things as I am and have the same dreams.

I can't imagine ever hating this place and I feel really sorry for him that he does.  Sometimes we are just too focused on what used to be and as a result, are missing everything that is....

Have a blessed week all!  :-)

Some pictures of my last week.