Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."  John 14:14

If you ask any of the boys what John 14:14 says, they know.  They believe it with their whole heart and recite it often.  For me, sometimes I forget.  I don't know why, but I do.  

Lately, I have been feeling stressed and worrying.  The time that I wanted to spend in the US is coming to an end and I feel like I have accomplished nothing.  I don't have any sponsors and without sponsors, I can't return, the boys can't get off the streets.  And so I have been stressed and doubting.  Stupid I know...

Sunday, I decided that I was going to put it back in God's hands, where it should have been all along.  I decided that this week I was going to fast and ask for guidance.  And like always, God heard and answered.

I know God loves these boys more than I ever could and wants them off the streets way more than I do.  So I am putting my faith back where it should have been all along.

I hope you will pray with me...

God, I know you love these boys way more than I do and Your heart breaks with each night they spend on the streets .  I ask that you provide a way, that you would put people in my path that have a heart for these kids and want to see them off the streets.  I pray that you would provide all the resources that are needed to bring these kids into a home, so they will never have to spend another night on the streets.  I pray that I will be back in Uganda by Christmas so the kids can receive the best Christmas gifts ever, a home and a family.  I ask these things in Your name.  Amen.

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