Monday, December 3, 2012

This Christmas

Each year, almost $435 billion dollars is spent on all things Christmas in the US ALONE.

$435 billion dollars

That is a lot of money.

I read that an average person plans on spending over $800 dollars ONLY on gifts.

What if, we used that money to make a difference?

What if we only gave gifts that gave back?

What if we only bought from companies that paid their workers fair wages and had safe work environments?

How much change could we inspire?  

How much hope could we give?

How many lives would be changed?

How much meaning would Christmas really have?

This Christmas, I urge you to use your money for good.  Make a difference.  Give gifts that give back.  Give gifts that make a difference.

Need some ideas?

I got plenty...And for selecting one of my awesome ideas, I will send a photo of the boys and a letter to the person of your choosing letting them know they got a gift that made a difference this year.

  1. Shop our Etsy store and give a beautiful gift that changes many lives.  The women get paid above market value and are able to take care of their families.  The profits support the boys' home.  It helps pay school fees, buy food, pay rent, pay salaries for Ugandans.  It really does give hope.  It does change lives.
  2. Help our boys have an amazing Christmas.  Contribute to Christmas dinner.  $5 will buy one chicken and give the boys a rare treat that they love.  
  3. Support a boy in someone else's honor.  It costs $150 per month per boy to run the home, so any amount will help.  This will make sure the kids have a safe place to live, food in their bellies, and a chance at a future.
  4. School is starting again the end of January.  School supplies aren't cheap in Uganda either.  Consider buying a backpack full of new pencils, pens, crayons, math set, and notebooks for one of the boys.  For $20 a boy will be set for school for next term.
  5. Number one sport in Uganda????  SOCCER!  Help the boys have fun and play like kids should and get them a new soccer ball.  $8 is all it takes.
  6. Want something bigger?  $400 will buy all food staples(beans, rice, posho) for the home for one month.  You want to buy all the fruit and veggies and meat too?  Great! Add an extra $150.  No one will go hungry.  Or contribute any amount you want for this.
  7. Is education your thing?  Mine too.  It changes lives and gives so many opportunities.  Give a boy a chance and pay his school fees for a term, or 2 or 3.  $40 pays school fees for a boy for a term.
  8. Who doesn't love a new pair of shoes?  For only $20 you can give one of the boys a new pair of shoes for school, church, or sports.
  9. Want them to have a safe place to live?  Contribute for rent.  Rent is $550 per month.  It gives us our own space, a compound where the boys can play safely, and most importantly AWAY from the slums.  You will be helping to house 22 people, plus a cat.

Are you in? 

Go to the donate tab at the top and in the memo, indicate your gift choice and where you would like us to send the letter and photo.

Got another great idea?

Let me know.  I am sure the boys will love it!

This is the boys' first Christmas in the home.  Help to make it their best Christmas ever.

This Christmas, let your gifts mean more.

Let your money show where your heart is.

Make a difference for the boys. 

Be the change...

Did I mention all of your gifts are tax deductible?  Pretty cool, huh?

And please, please, please don't forget to share our wish list with your friends! 

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